Evolutionary Lifestyle Anthropology

The Bond Effect
The science and art of living the way nature intended



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Geoff Bond


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Human Biology: High omega-3 fish oil, low omega-6 beats prostate cancer. Human Mentality: Savanna-bred brains subverted by Western reductive thought (III). Health Policy: American Health Crisis Roundtable. Q&A: The BondPaleo Shopping list. News Shorts: How to make it easier to eat fiber-rich foods; Reducing Potato Toxins; We date, marry people who are as attractive as we are; Children’s Toys – Neuroscience Guidance. Letter: Indigestible Fiber Sources? Spreading the Word: Review of Deadly Harvest – Steve Gibson. Evolutionary Upbringing: Sleep Problems, Open Mouth Breathing, Crooked Teeth .



Human Biology: Zonulin, Gluten, Leaky Gut and Mystery Ailments. Human Mentality: Savanna-bred brains subverted by Western reductive thought (part 2). Human Mentality: Psychedelics in Ancient Egypt? Food Ideas: Christmas Dinner – Wild Boar Ragout & Bohemian red Cabbage. News Shorts: Measures of Obesity & Breast Cancer Risk; Keto Diet restarts Periods; Flavonoids reduce Dementia Risk; Vitamin K2 in Managing Leg Cramps



Laughter the best Medicine: Hunter-gatherer works from home. Evolutionary Biology: Why different blood types? Myth Busting: Water intoxication – Mom nearly dies. Humbug Watch: “The Myth” of Man the Hunter? Q&A: Hemp Seed oil/Chronic Fatigue; Almond Milk Ingredients. News Shorts: UK Sugar Rationing boosted health of citizens conceived in the 1940s; Cranberries help prevent UTI. Fad Diet Watch: Vegan Child Death. What I’m Reading: The Matter with Things by Iain McGilchrist. Evolutionary Upbringing Narvaez: Homeless Babies at Home! Humans are highly immature at full-term birth.



Human Mentality: Psychedelics in Perspective (7). Question of Month: Blue Zone Longevity a Myth? Q&A: Washing Fruit & Vegetables; Rheumatoid Arthritis; Anti-inflammatory Diet. News Shorts: Anti-inflammatory Diet Nixes Dementia; Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Treatment; Do Microbes cause OCD? Ketogenic Diet and Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer. Evolutionary Upbringing: Narvaez Blog – Modern Child Humiliation to exert Control.



Human Mentality: Psychedelics in Perspective (6). Ancestral Health: Bowel Movement Frequency & overall Health. Male Behavior: What makes a 3-legged lion make the longest, crocodile infested, swim on Record? Our Ancestral Feeding Pattern: Paleo diet benefits for Diabetics. News Shorts: Erythritol & Blood clots again; Bed-sharing with baby OK; Low Magnesium damages DNA. Pseudoscience Watch: The noises people make in bed . Feedback: Diane Lewis.


JULY 2024

Human Mentality: Psychedelics in Perspective (5). Jungle Lore: Beware misuse of “Paleo” designation. Human Nature: How to spot a rich guy revisited. Briefing: The omega-3 index. Q&A: Barley revisited. News Shorts: Daylight-saving time change promotes poor lifestyle; Olive oil beats back dementia? Krill oil for knee osteo-arthritis? Feedback: Peter Harris


JUNE 2024

Human mentality: Psychedelics in Perspective (4). Wise Words: Hippocrates. Q of Month: Alcohol – good or bad? Sweetener Backtrack. Xylitol linked to CVD. Recipe: Venison Burgers. Q & A: Quinoa Revisited; Oat ‘Milk’ or Soy ‘Milk. News Shorts: Multivitamins daily do not lower risk of early death; Listerine Mouthwash boosts bacteria linked to Cancer; Eczema – Salt Link.


MAY 2024

Human Mentality: Psychedelics in Perspective (3). Rolling back Junk Food: Morgan “Super Size Me” Spurlock dies at 53. News Short: Urban Indoor Gardening Boosts Immune System, Words of Wisdom: Dr William Osler. Frontiers of Human Behavior: Choice of Forename can influence social success; Infants don’t restrict Mom’s foraging productivity. News Shorts: Paleo beats Med Diet for gut health; Nutrients that slow brain ageing; Menstruation starts ever earlier; Half of all cancers linked to obesity; AI rates Conservative Women as Prettier.


APRIL 2024

Human Mentality: Psychedelics in Perspective (2); Gen Z Climate Anxiety. Frontiers of Human Behavior: EHBEA Conference 2024 – Carbs reduce Facial Attractiveness. Quote: Isaac Asimov. Evolutionary Behavior: Infant Day-care poor substitute for Mom-care. News Shorts: Waist-to-Height ratio detects obesity in youngsters best; Farmed Salmon Fish-food for us; “Why are so many young people getting cancer?”; Doctor misdiagnosis in US hospitals leads to death & injury; Home Fecal Testing Caution, Quote: Red Skelton.

 Prior Newsletters: 1998 to 2023 (Open source)

01 https://bit.ly/3qIAmB4 

02 https://bit.ly/3w0IAaV 

03 https://bit.ly/3feb4aC

04 https://bit.ly/3yTyJog 

05 https://bit.ly/3iGpZeo

06 https://bit.ly/3mrSi3I

07 https://bit.ly/2YfM5Oz

09 https://bit.ly/3Gg1RKo

10 https://bit.ly/3DHHCmo

11: https://bit.ly/3ecBQyG

12 https://bit.ly/3KLcLdr
